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9.0 正片



Starting with the leading performance from the first diva in Mexican cinematography according to some (Andrea Palma), without forgetting Domingo Soler who also makes a great contribution to the cast in this film, then the great strength of the plot and the masterful direction by Arcady Boytler. All in all this movie cannot be considered less than excellent. So yes, maybe some of the scenes don't result quite the way they should, but most of them do. Particularly the scene from the carnival at the beginning of the movie and the last scene bring you to the verge of tears. Yes it also many elements of a catholic moral (Rosario lives in guilt, her way of paying her sins is by means of sacrifice), but we have to consider the movie was released in 1934 and the Mexican society of the time had those values dictating our lives and, weather we take this into consideration or not, I think the the plot is really really tough and the theme very strong. Maybe nowadays we have many movies with plots that are twice or thrice as tough, but I think this is still a great, great movie and has no soap opera can never even remotely compare with it. Also, it is one of the first movies with recorded sound in the Mexican film industry.


  • 9.0 正片 谁和她睡觉了 朴俊奎,金莎朗
  • 9.0 正片 三个未婚妈妈 居文沛,张嘉益,陆川,沙溢,斯琴高娃,蒲巴甲,佟大为,杨幂,黄磊,车永莉,颜丙燕,苏有朋,文章,魏伊,郑毓芝,冯巩,祝希娟,爱新觉罗·启星
  • 9.0 正片 珍妮特星球 朱丽安妮·尼科尔森,Zoe Ziegler,Luke Bosco,June Walker Grossman,艾比·哈里,威尔·帕顿,Edie Moon Kearns,Mary Shultz,Jeremy Louise Eaton,Raky Sastri,John Peitso,Carolyn Walker,Matthew Glassman,苏菲·奥康内多,伊莱亚斯·科泰斯,Mary Beth Brooker,George Marshall,Laura Litterer,Cynthia Clancy
  • 2.0 正片 狗阵 王砚辉,张译,佟丽娅,张建亚,梁静,袁弘,答有为,魏晨,李九霄,牛犇,莫涂弘哲,张立,彭于晏,黄米依,贾樟柯,周游,沙宝亮,赵毅,王奕权,高强,吴优,胡晓光,张杨,王乃训,尹元章,楚布花羯,小辛,·Nebbi,·Ollo
  • 5.0 正片 热血天使 徐冬冬 , 唐文龙 , 汤镇业
  • 8.0 正片 走走停停 胡歌,高圆圆,岳红,周野芒,金靖,刘钧,甘昀宸,刘仪伟,张鲁一,袁弘,王真儿,赫子铭,小爱,滕哲

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